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The Undiscovered Possibility

Updated: Jan 29

When I look back 10 years ago my life was so different ... I was contained by an illness that I allowed to rule me. I had lost my way with me. The labels and diagnosis of the autoimmune disease, that I chose, did not allow me to question anything of it. I believed the medics knew everything I had no choice but to be enslaved by the illness.

I bought the package of DISEASE and DIAGNOSIS hook line and sinker. I sunk deep in depression and suicidal thoughts. Shrinking from the pain I thought if I made myself small enough I would be free from it.

Then along came access bars, MTVSS and 3 day Body class with Shannon O'Hara and my first ever recordings of an X-Men class with Dain Heer Houston Feb 2013, that blew my mind. These were just 2 of the 'key facilitators' that showed me a way with themselves, and the world in the very beginning that enthralled me, creating a dance in my world, their difference resonated with me.

Did I have the audacity to even believe I could be an X-Men?

There was much in the X-Men class that mirrored my perception of the world around me, much that resonated with the fight against this reality I had always been. Could I ever be that different that magical?

My journey has continued daily, hourly, in 10-second increments. seeking out Diva Diaz attending 2 X-men classes in 3 months, I asked to intern with her. Working with learning so much about Díva Diaz her different X way and uniqueness. I am so very grateful for her & the gift of her ongoing journey for 9 years with X-Men.

Mainly the key points were, asking questions to me, getting out of conclusion, definition, heaviness and smallness. My tenacity of consciousness, always winning through. Asking questions always asking and striving for more, knowing one day I would love to facilitate these X-Men classes.

The years roll on and we begin to give birth to a worldwide exploration of Access X-Men and add new Speciality facilitators. I took my first telecall on X-Men nearly 3 years ago!

Now we have over 13 facilitators worldwide (

My journey is always to be me ...' an undiscovered possibly'. There is no end ( would an infinite being have an end?)

The diagnosis has never changed, I will always be labelled by the medical professions, with this illness.

(please note i do not see that is wrong) . That is THEIR way of seeing me. With that I do not choose to be enslaved by it, rather I have worked with all the symptoms and continue to ask to choose and create my life in a different way! Working with rather than against!

What else is possible to journey with the Undiscovered Possibility with you?

If you would like to Journey with us ( and the ones already signed up ) them please choose ... we would love to have you the ones that are always asking for more !!!

“The source of any change and possibility lies in the awareness of the limitations you have chosen.” Gary Douglas

The tenacity of Consciousness !!

Access X-Men - The Undiscovered Possibility with Jeni Be & Marnie Richman 2 Part Online Class via Zoom on March 6 & 7, 2024 - if this is for you check it out here (prerequisite Access Bars)

Access X-Men: Disabilities or Abilities? with Jeni Be & Marnie Richman 4 Part Telecall via Zoom on March 25-28, 2024. Check it out here - (requisite Access X-Men - Undiscovered Possibility or The Foundation.)

Listen some testimonials her:


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